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Friday, March 5, 2010

In print and online

Life has been keeping us busy as usual with our Gran- tourismo project now well and truly under way; you can keep up with our travels and what we're doing here. We've had a few bits and pieces published in print and online in January and February, which we wrote last year, that I wanted to share with you. 
* The first edition Cyprus TwinPack guidebook I wrote for the UK's AA Publishing was released in January. I really like AA's revamp of the TwinPack series - the book's design is much more clean and stylish-looking now. 
* In the January issue of Gulf Life, Gulf Air's in-flight magazine, Terry and I had a piece on the sleek one-of-a-kind sheesha pipes that the manager of Doha W's Wahm Bar commissioned in Designer Sheesha in Doha: blowing bubbles has never been so cool, while in the February issue we've got a piece on Wild Peeta, a fantastic fusion shawarma eatery started by two Emirati guys. 
* The February issue of J Mag, Jazeera Airways in-flight magazine includes more of our stories and pics, including Twitterabia, about the rise in popularity of Twitter in the region and how tweeps in the Middle East are meeting face to face and forming 'real' friendships; Future Planning, about three young Kuwaiti architects hoping to make Kuwait a better place to live through their re-thinking of what's appropriate architecture for the country and their blog Re:Kuwait, aimed at opening a public dialogue on the subject; and Guitar Heroes, a piece about the heavy metal scene in Kuwait, though we're not happy with this last story at all, censored for political/religious reasons. We were asked to remove references to the 'devil's music' and the real challenges the musicians are facing - and we never called the guys geeky! If you're interested in the full story and would like to see the original piece, leave a comment below and I'll email it to you.
* The Jan/Feb/Mar edition of Carlson Wagonlit's Asian-based business travel magazine, Connect, features a '24 Hours in Dubai' piece I wrote.
* The January edition of UK travel magazine Wanderlust contained a special Jordan supplement with a couple of pieces I wrote on Jordanian guides, including a profile of an award-winning guide and recommendations and advice by some of Jordan's best guides. 
* In the Ritz-Carlton magazine's Winter 2010 edition, you'll also find a small piece I wrote for the Doha hotel's concierge.
* We also had a couple of pieces on the Viator blog, including UAE: a Winter Wonderland, and a piece introducing our Grantourismo project (Viator is one of our project partners).

Pictured: a wall of graffiti in Kuwait City, against which Terry shot fantastic portraits of Kuwait's heavy metal heroes for our Jazeera magazine story.


jessiev said...

wow, you're SO busy!! and glad that the new project is doing well - keep me posted, we'll be happy to share what you're doing!!

i LOVE that background. brilliant of terry!

Erica said...

Hi Lara,
I can see you've had a full schedule. Really liked the article on Kuwait's heavy metal scene in Jazeera Airways in-flight magazine. Would love to read the original piece!

Lara Dunston said...

Hi Jessie

Thanks! Much appreciated!

Hello Erica

Thanks for your feedback on the metal article. I'm going to syndicate the original piece when I can, but happy to email it to you also if you're interested.

Thanks for dropping by you two!

DaddyBird said...

So glad to have the links to the articles!

I'd certainly like to see the original piece on Kuwaiti heavy metal as well! (It would be nice if it found an editor that would take it as it was, wouldn't it?)

Nomadic Chick said...

You've been a prolific lady. Finally parking a comment here after checking out your site. I've added your wealth of knowledge to my link roll, hope that's cool. :)

Patty said...

Wow you're crazy busy! Thanks for all the links, it must be so much fun traveling all over the place, hope you're having a great time!

new fashion said...

wow, you're SO busy

abroaderview said...

Great Blog, it will be great if you could write something about Non Profit Organizations that send Volunteers to work overseas like A Broader View Volunteers Corp

This Organization helps over 10.000 orphans in 22 countries without any government support.

Lara Dunston said...

Hi Daddybird

I'm going to syndicate the piece as soon as a respectable time has passed, but I'll happily share the original story with you to see what you think :)

Lara Dunston said...

Hello Nomadic Chick

'Cleaning up' my blog roll, i.e. adding new blogs, deleting blogs that are no longer active, is on my to-do list too, I've just been so busy with Grantourismo. Thanks for dropping by!

And hi there Patty & New Fashion - yep, sure am busy, which is why I get around to answering these comments so late in the game! Sorry! Thanks for dropping by!

Anonymous said...

A man begins scathing his insight teeth the earliest without surcease he bites out more than he can chew.